Informed, but It Backfired

Hearken unto they father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old. Proverbs 23:22
Dad had been wanting to go visit his relatives, but we explained that he couldn't make a trip until 90 after his last hospital stay to be in compliance with Medicares Part A ruling. They feel, and rightfully so, that if someone is well enough to go on a vacation, they are well enough to not get Part A services. We explained to Dad that he needed to continue his physical therapy, etc. to get stronger, first.

About a month before Dad's 90 days were up, I was talking to the physical therapist about the gains Dad had been making. I told him how glad we were, because we were planning to take Dad on a trip to see his cousins when his 90 days were up for Part A. He was confused. He told me that Dad wasn't getting Part A Medicare services, because Dad didn't have the qualifying amount of nights in the hospital. I explained that Dad was in the hospital 5 days. He said that he would look into it further.

The physical therapist explained to me the next week that Dad had not be admitted all of those days, but had been listed as under observation. I further explained that I had read in the AARP Magazine to be wary of letting hospitals put seniors under observation, because Medicare doesn't pay for it and neither do the supplemental insurances, sometimes costing seniors thousands to hundreds of thousands of out-or-pocket dollars. The article had noted that some less scrupulous hospitals may keep from admitting seniors and keep them there under observation, because Medicare pays so little. When senior have to pay for being there under observation out-of-pocket, it's financially lucrative for the hospital, of course, at the senior's expense.

I knew that and when the hospital said that they wanted to put Dad under observation, I told the person that Dad could not stay unless he were admitted, because Medicare wouldn't pay. The person contacted their supervisor, because I wouldn't sign to admit Dad unless he were admitted. The supervisor told her that she was pretty sure that Dad was admitted, but it's just called admitted under observation. I told her that I needed to know for sure, so the supervisor called someone else. That said that Dad was being admitted into the hospital, but under observation and Medicare would pay for their portion of it. I had assumed that was accurate.

Finding out months later that the hospital personnel told me that Dad was admitted into the hospital, just under observation, but didn't really admit him, threw me for a loop. How could they tell me they admitted him and not do it? It defies all my Christian ethics. Next time, I plan to refuse to sign until they take me to the person in charge and have them write down that Dad is officially admitted and not just there under observation and have them sign it. I shouldn't have to do that, but obviously, I do. 

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.

Christ's Grace Abounds

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