My Best Tip for Selecting a Facility for a Loved One

 Proverbs 4:1 You children, hear the instruction of a father & [make an effort] to know understanding. Proverbs 4:1

I haven't posted much since my dad's passing. With sharing some information recently with someone, I would like to share my best tip about selecting a facility for a parent or loved one. I hope this is helpful! Debbie

When I narrowed down the possibilities, I made an unplanned visit to each of those facilities and just walked in and went through the halls. When a tour is scheduled, it's too easy to have things deliberately structured to appear that everything is ideal.

One place that was very fancy, was one where I saw no staff interacting with the patients. Plus there was a lady in the hall begging for someone to take her out of there.

There was a different facility that I wasn't able to get in without a staff escort, but found that at 6:00 p.m., I heard no one talking, watching T.V. or any other signs of activity, as I was touring through the halls where their rooms were. I figured they were all over medicated, for it to be an almost uniform level of silence and lack of activity. Although I may be mistaken, this was my impression. 

Another place wasn't as fancy, but I saw staff actively engaged, talking & joking around with the patients. That was the one we selected!

Christ's Grace Abounds

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