The Dream I Just Had

 The Angel of God said to me in a dream, "Jacob," and I answered, "Here I am." Genesis 31:11 NIV Bible

This dream in the Bible passage mentioned is about the Lord God guiding Jacob about the goats he should request from his father-in-law. It still seemed appropriate to use, because of the dream I just had. I dreamt that my dad came for a visit and stayed with us for a while. It wasn't eerie, since Dad passed almost four years ago, but it was very pleasant and comforting. 

The dream didn't relate to what has previously happened. It was like my dad just came for a visit for a while, like relatives sometimes do, and then he went back to where he lived. I didn't feel it was my dad coming to see me from heaven. Mine was just a dream, but it was very pleasant. In my dream, my dad, didn't have Parkinson's Disease and wasn't confined to a wheel chair, for fear of falling and breaking more bones. It just was a pleasant visit.

The thing I got out of all this was to share my final thoughts about the dream with you, which relates to being his caregiver. I would be my dad's caregiver in a heart-beat, even with all the ups and downs that come with caring for, or overseeing the care of someone in their declining years. My life, and my family's lives, have been enriched beyond measure, by the opportunity to get to spend this time with my dad. I thought you should know that!

I will rarely be adding posts to this blog, because the Lord has had it on my heart to do a major project. I've felt led to write Books of the Bible in Smaller Chunks, so people in our busy world may have time to relate to the Lord by reading the Bible in the small chunks of time they have available. You can find that at .  It's a work in progress and I will include additional books of the Bible, as they are completed. Additionally, I've started posting Daily Chapters of the Bible [in Smaller Chunks] found at Please pass this information on to those who might benefit from it. Thank you! Debbie

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