This Memorial Day

In the last post, I wrote about the first Memorial Day after Dad passed. It stands in distinct contrast to this Memorial Day. I was talking to my cousin who was talking about how she and her other cousin had purchase flowers and put them on all the graves of family members in the area where they lived.

Then, it dawned on me that I hadn't even thought about putting flowers on Dad's grave. I felt like I should feel guilty and tried to figure out why it would slip my mind. After prayerful contemplation, I realized that we are in the midst of Sheltering in Place, the best we can, during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We rarely even go to the store, unless we really need to and when we do, we go in our masks and gloves first thing before the store opens.

When I further contemplated this, I realized that since we were rarely going out for anything, I had to cut myself some slack for not thinking about putting flowers on Dad's grave. I talked to my husband about it and we decided that it probably wasn't the safest thing to do. We would have had to go to the information office to ask where Dad's plot was located, although we do have the plot number in Dad's file. It's just that there are so many winding paths throughout the cemetery, we might not have found it otherwise. We felt that lots of other people would have gone to the information center, as well, so we possibly wouldn't have been safe, because people just line up behind you instead of Social Distancing. 

Care Giving Tips Video: Ten with Teepa-Causes of Accelerated Confusion
By: Teepa Snow, Teepa Snow's Positive Approach to Care via You Tube

Always Check with a Doctor before Implementing the Suggestions in a Video!
These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

Christ's Grace Abounds

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