The Monitor

Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. Acts 28:28

Since my dad is a fall risk and has breathing problems at times, I wasn't certain how I would know if he needed my assistance. God had the idea pop in my mind, which is often how Christ works in my life, to use the baby monitor that I used to use for my grandchildren.

It worked perfectly, well kinda. It's important to remember to turn it on. Sometimes, I've forgotten only to wake up in the night and remember to turn it on. (That's God at work again!) Sometimes, I've heard it too loud and hear every little sound which sounded significant when they weren't, thus disturbing my dad's sleep to make sure he's O.K. It takes a while to get it down, but it happens.

Having the monitor has allowed me to hear when he's fallen several times. It's especially important, because Dad won't call me to let me know he's fallen. I think it's kind of embarrassing for him when he falls. I feel very blessed to have my dad with us for whatever time that God allows and having the monitor makes it a little easier to come when my dad needs my assistance.  Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. Acts 28:28

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.

Caregiving Video: Fall Prevention Exercises: Bethany HomeHealth and Best for Seniors
By: Bethany HHA via You Tube

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