Badgered by Well-Meaning Doctors: Epilogue

The proverbs of Solomon. a wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. Proverbs 10:1

Part IV: You would not believe how many times I've been approached by doctors when I've taken my dad to the hospital in the last two years. They see my dad, who has Parkinson's Disease and has lost lots of weight. I think they feel sorry for him in that he can't stand without help and his skin just hangs off of his body. Almost every time, the doctors ask me about whether I have a Durable Power of Attorney or a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order for my dad. One doctor became very insistent about this issue, which I discussed in some previous posts.

The part I really want to share now, is this doctor felt that the most humane thing would have been to let my Dad pass when he had that lung infection. He didn't have any idea that after that lung infection, my dad had some really quality times with his family that wouldn't have happened if the doctor had jumped the gun.

Since then, we have been with my dad and he is champing at the bit to get to Physical and Occupational Therapy. My dad has even wheeled himself down to Physical and Occupational Therapy, which is no easy fete when he couldn't get someone to take him.They have had my dad help make a decorative fireplace for the holidays, make banana cake and bread, cookies, crack pecans, and so many other things that make my dad feel needed/productive. Although he doesn't have a specific appointment for twice a day, my dad makes it to Physical and Occupational Therapy about twice a day. That says a lot for the importance of having a sense of purpose!

Also, both of his grandchildren have come to see him during this time with their children. He loves his time with his great-grandchildren and he's very attached to his grandchildren. Unfortunately, some live too far away to be able to go there. We are planning a trip to a neighboring state, because he wants to see his cousins while he still is able. If the doctor had jumped the gun, my dad would have never had the opportunity to spend all this quality time with family!

I'm sure that the Well-Meaning Doctor had my dad's medical concerns at heart when he pressured me, but ultimately, I like God being in charge. God knows when He wants my dad to come join Him. At the time that my dad no longer has a heart beat or is breathing, the DNR takes effect, but not before. I don't want someone jumping the gun and side-stepping God's timing, because He always knows the big picture. Again, I don't want to imply that I am angry with the Well-Meaning Doctors. I just want them to know that sometimes, there's a bigger picture than what they see at that moment. Sometimes, the way these things are approached can make all the difference in the world. I just want them to have a better understanding of how this feels to family members.

Christ's Grace Abounds

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