Jumping Every Time I Hear the Phone Ring in the Night

They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Revelations 7: 16-17

I've had a few scary calls in the night or early in the morning about Dad needing to be rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, he got better, but know that's not always going to be the case. I've been very blessed to have this extra time getting to know my Dad better and to be there for him.

Most of the calls in the middle of the night or early morning calls have been from friends and family who live in different time zones. I know there's going to come the day that I'm going to pick up the phone and they are going to give me the inevitable news I don't want to hear.

Sometimes, I fool myself into thinking that I am realistically preparing myself for that day, but every time I get one of those calls, I begin to panic inside. My Dad's become so much a part of my daily life, since I call him everyday, it's hard for me to imagine a time that he's no longer here. I should remember that when I see Dad again, he will be in a much better place with his Savior. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Revelations 7: 16-17

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.
By: Elderspan via You Tube

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