Christ's Hand was in This!

The eye that mocks his father, And scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young eagles will eat it. Proverbs 30:17 NKJV

I was very surprised to find out that Feedspot has included A Christian Caregiver as one of the Top 200 Christian blogs. You can see the list by clicking on this link or the badge to the right: Feedspot's List of the Top 200 Christian Blogs.  Should I have been that surprised, because Christ can do anything? 

It was Christ who gave me the instincts to write this and the other Christian blogs. It was Christ who kept me going after someone hacked into this blog about a year and a half ago and deleted 100's of links I had put on A Christian Caregiver Blog. It made me so sad, because these links were there to make it easier for viewers to find topics that might pertain to their caregiving needs. 

It was Christ who led us to open our house to my dad when he needed a place to stay. His wife was bedridden at the time and I think he didn't want to be a burden on her or her health. It was Christ who helped my dad blend in with my family and get to know and develop a deep love for his great-grandchildren. It was Christ who helped us through all of Dad's many falls, broken bones, many bouts of pneumonia due to having Parkinson's Disease, and for us to still be able to laugh over the silly things. 

It was Christ who allowed us to enjoy every moment we could with Dad in our home, until the doctors felt his condition warranted more medical care. It was Christ who was there as Dad had a short stay in a nursing home for rehabilitation from pneumonia, a brief stay in an assisted living facility, residence in a group home and finally ending up in a wonderful Veteran's Home, because the doctors determined he needed skilled nursing 24/7.

Along the way, Christ has been with us as the family's played many games of dominoes, creating memories to last a life time. Christ's given me grace and guided my words when Dad was not feeling well and was cranky! Christ continues to be there as we visit Dad weekly and Dad has continued to play a major role in my children's and grandchildren's lives. I've been truly blessed through the good times and the bad. Why should I be surprised that Christ would have this blog acknowledged, so others can find something that can help them in their caregiving experience? Although I'm very humbled by this, I realize that Christ's Hand was in this all along!

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.
By: Parkinsons NGO via You Tube

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