Well my visit with family in another state was nearing a close. I was starting to get concerned about my flight home. Especially since one of the flights had passengers board outside and then go up a steep ramp. After tumbling in the night a few days ago, I lost my confidence in being able to hobble up that steep ramp in my walker as I hopped on one leg due to breaking my heel the day after I had arrived there.
A family member suggested contacting the airlines and asking them for wheelchair assistance with both flights. The same person suggested that we request handicapped seating, which we did. He also suggested that we follow up with the airline and verify these services were, in fact, in place.
That was really good advice! Not only had they followed through with what was arranged, but they went out of their way and got us seats with more leg room. It was an answer to prayer! I had been praying about how I would be able to keep my foot elevated above my heart, as the ER doctor had suggested.
Airline staff wheeled me up steep ramps, got me from one plane to another and gave me seats where I could prop my foot up some. I was truly blessed. Staff members were accommodating and so we're passengers who were requested to take alternate seats. I hope these people know in their hearts what their gracious response meant to me!
Fortunately, we had contacted the shuttle that was supposed to pick us up at our final destination. He met us at the airport with a wheelchair and a wheelchair van. All of these accommodations
Christ allowed for me, made my multi-hour return home much more pleasant!!!
Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.
I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.
Bible Study: Relating the Bible to YOUR Life!
Types of Christians
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
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Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
Types of Christians
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
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Christian Overeaters Past and Present Blog
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Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
Caregiving Video: 25% Weight Bearing Demo
By: BRBJ Foot & Ankle via Youtube