I'm Frustrated With Doctors Who Don't Prescribe Probiotics When Giving Antibiotics!!!

Philippians 4: 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

A person I know recently had C-diff which brought back the frustration! It flabbergasts me that doctors continue to prescribe powerful antibiotics to people without also prescribing them Probiotics at the same time. This would eliminate lots of the discomfort and agony many have had to go through with C-diff that wouldn't have happened otherwise. 

My dad had gone to a nursing home for temporary rehabilitation after repeated bouts of pneumonia.  When he left the nursing home, on the way to the Assisted Living facility he was moving into, we stopped at the bank to take care some of his financial issues to pay the monthly payments for his rent. My husband took my dad to the bathroom in the bank and he had diarrhea all over him. He was cleaned up and we took him to the Assisted Living facility and had dinner with him.

Later that week, they called 911 and took him to a neighboring hospital, saying that they suspected that Dad had a stroke. The next day, one of the nursing staff said that he thought my dad had C-diff, which he did. I didn't know much about it then, but found out that when powerful antibiotics are prescribed, it throws off the gut bacteria and sometimes people get diarrhea like it's going out of style!

Since my dad had C-diff, he couldn't go back to his new apartment in the Assisted Living facility, because it is highly contagious. If someone touches something like the light switch, faucet or toilet handle or some other surface a person that has C-diff has touched, they can also get C-diff.

We had to find a facility that would allow my dad to be quarantined in a private room, but no facility would allow him to move in, because of it being highly contagious.  God provided a wonderful place for Dad at the last minute, which is sometimes how you know God has had His hand in it, because it turned out so perfectly. My dad had to be quarantined for three months!

When I found out this person had been prescribed a powerful antibiotic, I asked about whether they were also prescribed a Probiotic. Actually, you can get some really good over the counter powerful Probiotics. I've found that Walgreen has some excellent deals on their brand of Probioltics which is half the price of the name brand. Anyway, that person did get C-diff was thin to start with, so it made me so upset that she had to go through all of this when a simple prescription or advice from the doctor about taking Probiotics would have kept her from becoming deathly ill. 

Care Giving Tips Video: Dressing and Bathing: Memory and Alzheimer's Disease
By: John Hopkins Medicine, Dr. Peter Rabins via You Tube

Always Check with a Doctor before Implementing the Suggestions in a Video!

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