An Idea from God to Make It Easier

The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, But a foolish son is the grief of his mother. Proverbs 10:1

Periodically on our trip out of state to see family, I would recall the head nurse saying that she didn't think that Dad's going to bounce back from his continued loss of weight and wanting to stay in bed more. A couple of times during the trip, I was reminded of the the smoking table in Dad's room that was filled with cards from loved ones and magazines. The stack was almost three feet tall.

I dreaded the idea that some day when Dad passed, I would have to go through all of the letters from loved ones. I felt like it would just add salt to the open wound I knew I might have when Dad passes, making me feel the added pain of all those other family members that care for him, as well.

Well, God gave me an idea that worked. On our way back home after the trip, we stopped to see Dad. I asked him if he'd like me to sort through all the cards, letters, and magazines in that three foot stack under his smoking stand, so he has room for more. Fortunately, Dad told me yes. It was such a relief to sort through all of that now, rather than some day in the future, hopefully a long time from now, but it's in God's very capable hands.

Care Giving Tips Video: Adie and Michele: An Experience of Early Onset Dementia
By: Adie and Michele, Alzheimer's Association via You Tube
Always Check with a Doctor before Implementing the Suggestions in a Video!

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

Christ's Grace Abounds

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