The Part I Dreaded Throughout the Time of Caring for My Dad

For Thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in Thy truth: Psalm 26:3

I have entered the part that I never wanted to deal with. It's not as major as I might make it, but I dreaded this throughout the time of caring for my dad. Growing up, I would see shows or hear of situations where people got money grubby after the death of a loved one.

I've divided up the possession of Dad's, trying to make sure that each family member had things that would remind them of him and I've had no problems. I took his remaining money, short of what might be needed for next year's income tax, and divided it between Dad's three children. My brother passed away some years ago, so his portion of Dad's money was divided between by brother's widow and four children. I had very little problems with that, although there was a minor negative discussion with one relative.

I recently found out that there was a small life insurance policy and it gets divided between Dad's three children after all the claims are turned in. One family member commented on how the other family members better hurry up and turn their forms in soon! The implication was that the person couldn't wait to get that money. The thing is, when people get like this, it's about money that they didn't earn and doesn't really belong to them other than it's a gift from their loved one. 

I know the comment wasn't all that terrible, but it brings back all those movies and stories I heard about how family member got "The Greedy Gurdies!"  Instead, I should focus on the vast majority of the family that have been very patient and supportive even when it took me soooooo long to fill out the paperwork for this insurance, because of my grief and about how I feel about issues dealing with Dad's money.  I think that's the lesson for me in all of this!

Christ's Grace Abounds

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