Dad's Meds

I was talking to my second cousin today and the nurse came to bring her the afternoon medicine. I asked her if she swallowed pills well and she said she did, but that wasn't the case for my dad.

My dad was so funny! He would put all the medicine in his mouth and suck on it like he had swallowed it, but when no one was looking, he would pull all the pills out of his mouth. Well, this left us with a dilemma, because some of those medicines helped Dad be more alert, less apt to get pneumonia, etc. They ended up grinding Dad's meds and giving it to him in either applesauce or chocolate pudding, which was his favorite!

When we would take Dad on trips lasting a day or two to visit relatives, we would need to arrange for them to get his meds ready for us to pick up when we signed Dad out of the Veteran's Home. I also, needed to make sure that I had spoons and plenty of chocolate pudding and applesauce to give him with his meds. Also, I had a portable medicine grinder to chop the meds up to mix into the snack before giving it to Dad. He knew we were doing it, but it kept him from choking on the meds or pulling them out of his mouth. I do miss our trips together, but feel so very blessed that we got to take them! 

Care Giving Tips Video: Frontotemporal Dementia
By: Dr. Dickerson, Mike and Katie Brandt, MassGeneralHospital via You Tube
Always Check with a Doctor before Implementing the Suggestions the Video!

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Christ's Grace Abounds

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