A New Home for Dad- Part 1

Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

That first night as I sat with my dad in the group home, I listened as my dad commented on how the full wall window view from his room looked like home. He enjoyed the park like setting of the back yard with the rabbits, squirrels and birds to keep him entertained.

 I realized several things. While he was at the group home, he had to pay $3,500 to it and to continue to pay $3,500 to the Assisted Living facility while he was mending in the group home. Now, to some paying $7,000 a month for rent may not seem like a lot, but my goal has been to help my dad's money last as long as he does and it wasn't going to happen if he had to spend $7,000 every time he got out of the hospital to recoup, something that was happening more and more frequently. I did a lot of prayerful contemplating that night.

The other thing that concerned me was that the Assisted Living facility said that they weren't a nursing home and could not accommodate residents with feeding tubes, IVs, etc. Since my dad was down to 129 pounds, those might be things he has to contend with, at some point. That would mean not only the expense of paying in two different places at the same time, but that my dad would have to keep changing residences depending and would never feel like he was home. I really wanted for him to have a sense of home as he progresses through this phase of his life even if it couldn't be in our home. I called the owner of the group home and asked if my dad could stay in that same room if he decided to stay there full-time, and she assured me that he could. I did a lot of prayerful contemplating that night.

The next day, I asked my dad how he liked the new place he was staying in and he really liked it. Next to the backyard view, my dad enjoyed the male employees who would joke around with him which made him feel like one of the guys instead of a patient on the mend. I talked to him about whether he wanted to make the group home his new home, so that he didn't have to bounce around to different facilities every time he gets out of the hospital and needs to mend. He told me that he would like to make the group home his new home.

I called the owner to tell her my dad's decision. My dad was obliged to pay and to give a 30 day notice at the Assisted Living facility, so I gave the manager the 30 day notice and any additional money that was owing. I got the movers scheduled to move the hospital bed we had gotten him and deliver it from the Assisted Living facility and move it to the group home. I was so pleased that God had taken care of this and had my dad make a decision that felt good to him. I was also relieved that my dad had a home base to go to each time he returned from the hospital, so he wasn't bouncing around to different facilities aimlessly. Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

Christ's Grace Abounds

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