My Dad Has the Right Idea About Politics

Romans 12: 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

I realize that this post is going to come out long after the Presidential Race is decided. It has kept me on pins and needles, because I'm concerned about the future of our country. When this political race gets the best of me, I have to remind myself to put it into God's very capable hands, but it doesn't seem long before I weary myself about it again. That's not God's failing, that's mine for continuing to worry after He's taken it away from me.

About a week ago, I mentioned something to my dad about the political race, to see if he wanted to watch anything about it on TV. Actually, it was so I could see what was going on politically, although I was using the pretense of doing it for my dad. These blog posts are always so eye-opening for me, because God shows me my very human nature, that I really would rather overlook. Fortunately for me, that Christ cares enough about me to show me what I truly need to know about myself.

 Anyway, my dad wasn't interested in the least to watch anything political on the TV. He would much rather watch a show on the Gold Rush and Alaska, which are his type of shows. (My dad had the right idea about politics and wasn't going to worry about it.) I was a little surprised by his lack of enthusiasm over the political situation. There was a time, years ago, where Dad would have had a heated discussion about politics and had very strong views, usually the complete opposite of mine. I knew better than to argue with him back then. For one, a great thing about our country is that everyone is allowed to decide who they think is the best candidate for President, or for any other office, for that matter. Two, I just don't believe in arguing, especially with your parents. Romans 12: 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Since these are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my experience, they may not reflect the whole meaning of the verse.

I'm including You Tube Video clips on caregiving that I found interesting, inspirational, or might be helpful to others, but am not responsible for the content in the videos. Always check first with a physician before trying any suggestions mentioned.
By: Serving Seniors via You Tube

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