The Flip Side of Christian Caregiving

Now, I'm going to talk about the flip side of Christian Caregiving from a whole new point of view of the patient! I thought it should be called the caregivee, but I'm under the impression that's not right.

I was visiting family out of state and talking while I was going down the stairs-definitely not a smart move! Because I wasn't paying enough attention, I missed the fourth step and became airborn, landing on the floor. I tried to crawl to the couch while family helped me up on it and got an ice pack for me, because I was hoping it was nothing major.

I waited 30-40 minutes with the ice pack on and decided to try to put my shoe back on and try to walk. I found out very quickly that walking wasn't going to be possible and the Emergency Room was going to be on my morning schedule.

It turned out, I had broken my heel end the ER doctor put on a temporary cast. He told me that not only would I need to schedule an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon when
I got home, but I wouldn't be able to put any weight on my foot for several months. In one morning, I went from being a Christian Caregiver, but immediately became the caregivee (patient). I plan to share posts in the weeks to come from this new perspective while still trying to maintain a Christian focus.

Careiving Video: Basic First Aid: How to Treat a Foot Fracture
By: Captain Joe Bernie, show via You Tube

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