The Flip Side of Denial

Well, I have been overseeing my dad's care for the last four and a half years. He started out living with us for a year when he first moved here. Then, the doctors felt he needed more medical care than we could provide for him, so he moved to a local group home. Dad's Parkinson's Disease and repeated bouts of pneumonia got to the point that the doctors felt Dad needed to be in a Skilled Nursing Facility 24/7. Fortunately for us, there was an available room for Dad in the State Veteran's Home.

Then, things flipped all the way around. I broke my heel nine months ago and instead of being the caregiver, I was all of a sudden, the caregivee. Fortunately, my husband was able to care for me, but it's totally different being on the other side of the fence, so I'm trying to share the insights God's given me as a caregivee.

Now, I was in denial at times. I thought if only I tried harder, practice more, I could walk sooner and better, but it wasn't always the case. Sometimes, when I tried harder or practiced more, I went to extreme, which sometimes had a counter productive effect. Sometimes, I wouldn't be able to walk or even hobble the rest of the day, because I had overdone it, by doing to much. At those times, it was me trying to make myself healthier and well faster and I wasn't turning it and the timing over to Christ's very capable hands. Sometimes, He just needs us to get stronger first, and exercise with moderation, not self-willed extreme!

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

Christ's Grace Abounds

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