One Good Week!

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding. For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. Proverbs 3:13-15

We went to visit Dad. He was off of isolation and was MRSA free. We had hoped that he was up and in his wheel chair, so we could go to the smaller dining area, so he could eat lunch with his friends. He really wanted to stay in bed, but we figured that after getting over a bout with MRSA, he deserves some extra bed time, if he feels the need.

I straightened out his drawers. My dad is an orderly person, by nature. Although he never says anything about it, I know he likes everything in it's place. I remember when he first moved in with us and he taught me how to play dominoes. He didn't like to have any of the dominoes crooked. I realize it's not a big thing, but if it makes my dad's life feel more orderly, straightening his sock/hankie drawer is easy enough.

Also, I try to organized his sweat pants neatly on the top shelf of his closet, so his shirts don't get wrinkled. Although this might not seem a big thing, I want to mention it before I forget. My daughter and I bought Dad shirts for his 91st birthday with pockets in them. He likes to have a place to keep his hankies. Before, he had about half of the shirts with pockets and half without. The people who dress him don't know that he really wants to wear a shirt with a pocket for his hankie. After we got the shirts with the pockets, I pulled out all the ones without pockets to donate. That way, they can only pull out shirts with pockets. Sometimes, the smallest things like neat drawers and pockets in shirts can make all the difference in someone's day!

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

Christ's Grace Abounds

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